NIABT Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday 22 September 2014

NIABT Board of Trustees Meeting

Minutes of Proceedings

Session:               2014/2015
Date:                      Monday 22 September 2014
Venue:                  Room 21, Parliament Buildings

The meeting opened in public session at 5:39pm.


Judith Cochrane MLA                    Chair
Alban Maginness MLA
Robin Newton MLA
Michael Bell                                     NI Food & Drink Association
Chris Brown                                     MCE PR
Alan Dickson                                   PricewaterhouseCoopers
Róisín Hughes                                Norbrook Laboratories
John Rooney                                  Rooney Fish
John Stewart                                   Director of Information and Outreach

In Attendance:

Susie Brown                                    Secretary
Louise Close                                   Deputy Secretary
Ivor Gibson                                     Co-ordinator


Phil Flanagan MLA
Claire Sugden MLA
Leslie Cree MBE MLA
Stephen Kelly                                  Manufacturing NI
John O’Farrell                                 ICTU
James Haughey                              Norbrook Laboratories
Richard Stewart                              Treasurer
Dr Joanne Stuart OBE                   Attrus Ltd., Vice Chair

Agenda Items:

As the Chair was not going to be available until 5:55pm, the Parliamentarians present agreed that Robin Newton MLA should Chair the meeting until the Chair’s arrival.

1, Apologies:

Apologies are noted above.

2. Declaration of Interests:


3. Minutes of the meetings held on 23rd September 2014:

Agreed:     The Minutes of the Board meeting held on 23rd June were agreed by the Board after the arrival of the Chair at 6:20pm.

4. Matters arising:

The Chair advised the Board that:

The majority of matters arising from the agenda at the meeting of 23rd June had formed the basis for the agenda items for this meeting.

5. Correspondence:

  • An item of correspondence was received in relation to a sponsorship opportunity at the 2014 CIM Marketing Excellence Awards and Conference.
  • The Board decided not to pursue this opportunity.
  • Another item of correspondence was received in relation to issuing an invitation to the launch of Small Business Saturday UK Northern Ireland Launch Event on 16th
  • The Board decided not to issue the invitation to all members but to circulate to Board Members only.

Agreed: The secretariat to circulate the Small Business Saturday UK Northern Ireland Launch Event invitation to Board Members.

6. Financial Update:

  • The Chair referred the Board to a copy of the latest figures in relation to 2014/2015 NIABT Income/ Expenditure which included updated expenditure in relation to the 2014 Scottish Programme.

Agreed: The Board agreed the content of the financial update.

7. Past and Upcoming Events

  • The Chair referred the Board to a list of past and future Business Trust events.
  • The Board commented on the recent positive feedback received in relation to the structured networking which incorporated the use of hired poseur tables.

Agreed: The secretariat is to arrange for the purchase of four poseur tables to be used in future networking sessions of briefings and other similar events.

The secretariat is to circulate the invitation to the NIABT stand at the NI Chamber of Commerce & Business Showcase on 8 October to Board Members.

8. Filming of events and marketing material:

  • The Board discussed the value for money element of the filming of briefings.

Agreed: The Board agreed to investigate options for the recording of future briefings. Coverage of briefings will be assessed, based on value for money and coverage and a strategy will be developed.

5:55pm        Judith Cochrane MLA joins the meeting and takes on the role of Chair.

9. European Educational Programme:

  • The Board discussed the upcoming European Programme which will take place from 17 – 19 November 2014.
  • The Chair also advised that the PSNI will not be sending a representative to join the NIABT delegation on this occasion.

10. 2015 President’s Dinner:

  • The Chair advised the Board that a letter had been received from Mark Carney, advising that he was unable to attend the President’s Dinner in February 2015 as Guest Speaker.

Agreed: The secretariat will arrange for a letter of invitation be issued to the alternative option as guest speaker as directed by the Board.

11. Review of Articles of Association:

  • The Chair advised the Board that the NI Assembly secretariat has been working with NI Assembly Legal Services to rewrite the Articles of Association.
  • The Chair also stated that the NI Assembly has advised that the secretariat should seek external legal advice when seeking a steer on the wording of the NIABT objects.
  • The Chair also advised the Board that the revised Articles will be submitted to the NI Charities Commission as soon as the Board has approved content.

Agreed: The secretariat will seek external advice when rewriting the NIABT objects in the revised Articles of Association.

The secretariat will also issue the revised Articles to Board Members for approval prior to submission to the NI Charities Commission.

6:04pm      Meeting was suspended as Judith Cochrane MLA, Alban Maginness MLA and Robin Newton MLA left the meeting for Plenary business.

6:11pm      Judith Cochrane MLA and Robin Newton MLA rejoin and the meeting recommences.

12. Business Plan 2014-2016:

  • The Chair advised the Board that a new updated business plan had been drafted and its content was discussed.

Agreed:     There was discussion within the Board around membership framework. The Secretary noted that this would be discussed at the next Board Meeting following the revision of the Articles of Association.

13. Directors & Officers Insurance:

  • The Board discussed the purchase of Directors and Officers (D & O) insurance.

Agreed:     The Board instructed the secretariat to purchase D & O insurance cover with Marsh.

14. Membership:

  • The Chair referred the Board to a list of applications from local organisations to join the Trust and asked the members if they were happy to approve these applications.
  • The Board also discussed a list of 23 businesses that were considered for removal due to non payment of membership.

Agreed:     The Board agreed to approve five applications.

The Board agreed to the removal of 23 members from membership, however, membership to be re-instated should any of these companies pay their membership.

15. Any Other Business:

Date of Next Meeting

The Chair confirmed that the next meeting would be held on Monday 10th November at 5.00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.25pm

Mrs Judith Cochrane MLA
Chair, Northern Ireland Assembly and Business Trust
10 November 2014