NIABT Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday 13th November 2017

NIABT Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday 13th November 2017


Room 21

Minutes of Proceedings


Conor Murphy MLA, Chair

Stephen Kelly, Manufacturing NI, Vice Chair

Claire Bailey MLA

Norah- Anne Barron, Pi Communications

Roy Beggs MLA

Nicola Bothwell, NB Chartered Communications

Jonathan Buckley MLA

Trevor Lunn MLA

Gareth McGrath, Director of Parliamentary Service

Richard Stewart, Treasurer

Barry Turley ,PR and Public Affairs

In Attendance:

Maeve Donnelly, Secretary

Louise Close, Deputy Secretary


Sinead Bradley MLA

Michael Bell, NIFDA

Chris Brown, Brown O’Connor Communications

1. Apologies:

  • Apologies have been received from:
    • Michael Bell
    • Chris Brown

2. Declaration of Interests

  • Norah Anne Barron noted an interest in relation to the discussion about the disbursement of funds. She informed the Board that she is a member of the IOD steering group.

3. Adoption of previous minutes:

Agreed: The Board agreed to the contents of the minutes of the previous meeting.

Proposer: Stephen Kelly    Seconder: Jonathon Buckley MLA.

4. Correspondence

  • All correspondence formed agenda items for the meeting.

5. Audit of Accounts

  • It was noted that the secretariat was still seeking quotes from other accountants to complete an independent examination of the accounts. Once received they will be issued to the Board by correspondence.

6. Financial Update

  • The Chair stated that the current balance stands at £31,390.09. Other than interest and charges no transactions have taken place on the accounts.

7. Future Governance Arrangements

  • The Board were directed to papers in their pack outlining the future governance arrangements of the NIABT, including a paper on the legal and governance implications and another paper on the proposed structure of the new Assembly Business Network (ABN).
  • Maeve Donnelly talked through the papers including details of how a new business outreach programme, the Assembly Business Network would be established and structured.
  • Given the information provided, the Board voted to confirm they are content with the proposal to wind down the Trust and the proposal should be put to a vote by the membership at the next AGM.
  • A discussion then took place in relation to the disbursement of funds. It was agreed that the following three options should be put to the membership:
    • Research project in a field of research which is directly connected to the Trust’s Objects.
    • A final event for all NIABT members, with money allocated to hospitality and a keynote speaker.
    • Organisations would be invited to apply for a grant to run a project or projects which are directly connected to the Trust’s Objects.
  • In relation to the grant scheme, queries were raised around how the process would be implemented and the governance implications of running the scheme.
  • Board Members also queried the cost of the research and event options.

Action: Staff to look into the costs of the research and events options and develop a proposal for how the grant scheme could be implemented.

8. Any Other Business

  • There was no further business.

Meeting ended at 5pm