NIABT Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday 14th January 2019
Room 21
Stephen Kelly, Manufacturing NI, Vice Chair
Norah-Anne Barron, Pi Communications
Nicola Bothwell, NB Chartered Communications
Noel Brady, Consult NB1 Ltd
Chris Brown, Brown O’Connor Communications
Roy Beggs MLA
Jonathan Buckley MLA
In Attendance:
Simon Burrowes, Secretary
Nick Mitford, Deputy Secretary
1. Apologies:
- Apologies were received from:
- Sinead Bradley
- Conor Murphy
- Gareth McGrath
- In the absence of Conor Murphy MLA, Stephen Kelly took the chair for the meeting
2. Declaration of Interests
- None.
3. Nomination of Secretary & Deputy Secretary
- Agreed: The Board agreed to the nomination of Simon Burrowes (Head of Public Engagement) as NIABT Secretary and Nick Mitford (Engagement Manager) as NIABT Deputy Secretary
Proposer: Stephen Kelly
Seconder: Nora-Anne Barron
4. Adoption of previous minutes:
- Agreed: Subject to an alteration requested by Roy Beggs, the Board agreed to the contents of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Proposer: Nora-Anne Barron
Seconder: Stephen Kelly
5. Options for Disbursement of Remaining Funds
- Board Members discussed the disbursement of NIABT funds and whether the decision should continue to be put on hold until the political situation is clearer.
- Following a discussion, the Board unanimously agreed that there had been little or no change to the situation that pertained at the time of the previous meeting and nor was there any apparent likelihood of that situation changing. The Board also felt that disbursing funds at this time may conceivably lead to negative interpretations and have a detrimental effect on the political situation and efforts to restore normal Assembly business. In the circumstances, the Board was unanimous in its view that any decision to disburse the funds should remain on hold until the political situation is clearer.
- The Board agreed to meet again following the next AGM to assess the situation.
6. Financial Update
- The current balance stands at £26,789.35. Nick Mitford provided an overview of transactions and ongoing costs, including insurance, accountancy and legal fees.
7. AGM 2018/19
- Members agreed to hold the next AGM on 6th March 2019.
- Following a discussion regarding the ongoing political situation and the impending dissolution of the Trust, the Board unanimously agreed to put an Ordinary Resolution to the AGM stating that no election need take place, to allow current Trustees to continue in post.
- The Board agreed to write to the Trust Membership to reiterate the Board’s position on the ongoing activity of the Trust, and provide an update on the Board’s decisions regarding elections and the disbursement of funds.
8. Any Other Business
- No other business.
- The next meeting will place on 6th March 2019, following the AGM.