Annual General Meeting Wednesday 10 October 2007

The meeting was held at 4pm in Room 152 Parliament Buildings

Mr. S. Neeson MLA, Dr. T Campbell, Moy Park Ltd., Mr. T. Carson, BT Ireland,
Mr. A McFarland MLA, Ms. K McDonald, Stratagem, Mr. M. Rentmeister, MESH,
Mr. M Rice, Jenkinson Consulting, Mr. A. McRitchie, Bombardier Aerospace,
Mr. D. O’Loan MLA, Mr. L Cree MLA, Mr. J. Reynolds, Deputy Clerk to the Assembly

In Attendance:
Mr. D. Gray, McClure Watters, Mr. P Gregg, Assembly Secretariat,
Ms. K. McCullough, Assembly Secretariat, Mr. M. Johnston, Assembly Secretariat,
Mr. U. Hoey, Belfast International Airport, Mr. R. Hayden, Belfast International Airport

Mr. W. Hay, Speaker, Ms D. Purvis, MLA, Lord Ballyedmond, Norbrook,
Ms P. McKeown, NI ICTU, Ms N. Long, MLA, Mr. S. Wilson, MLA,
Mr. M. Ennis, Airtricity, Mr. W. Wright, Wright Bus, Dr. J.I. McCabrey, MIVAN,
Mr. T. Clarke, MLA

1. Audit Report

Mr. David Gray from McClure Watters Accountant gave the Members an overview of the audited accounts for 2006-2007. Members voted to adopt the audit accounts.

2. Adopt Minutes 2005-2006

The minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 2005-2006 were proposed by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. McRitchie and agreed by the members as a true record of the meeting.

3. Revoke of motion (i) agreed at AGM for 2005-2006

It was proposed by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. McRitchie and agreed by the members to revoke the motion and under the powers in Article 54 of the Articles of Association to return the number of Trustees to no more than 14.

4. Election of Board of Trustees

It was unanimously agreed by the members that the following be elected to the Board of Trustees for 2007-2008.

Mr. Robin Newton DUP
Mr. Paul Maskey Sinn Fein
Mr. Leslie Cree UUP
Mr. Declan O’Loan SDLP
Mr. Sean Neeson Alliance Party
Ms. Dawn Purvis Progressive Unionist Party
Mr. Joe Reynolds Deputy Clerk to the NI Assembly
Ms. Katherine McDonald Stratagem
Mr. Alec McRitchie Bombardier Aerospace
Mr. Tom Carson BT Ireland
Ms. Patricia McKeown NI – Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Dr. Trefor Campbell Moy Park Limited

5. AOB

Development of the Trust

A discussion on the purpose and development of the Trust proceeded with a number of recommendations to be discussed at the first Board of Trustee including a meeting of the business sector before the next date.


Members were encouraged to attend the three seminars on the work of the NI Assembly and to distribute the information flyer to as wide a business sector as possible.

Board Meeting
It was agreed the next Board of Trustees meeting will be 7 November 2007.