Mr. Sean Neeson MLA
Ms Jennifer McCann MLA
Mr. Barry Turley (proxy for Lord Ballyedmond)
Mr. William Wright – Wrightbus Ltd
Mr. John Rooney – Rooney Fish
Mr. John O’Farrell – NI-ICTU
Ms. Katherine McDonald – Stratagem
Mr Alec McRitchie Bombardier
Mr Declan O’Loan MLA
Mr Glyn Roberts – NIIRTA
Mr. Robin Newton MLA
Mr. James Devlin – BT NI
Mr Leslie Cree MLA
In Attendance:
Ms. Sheila McClelland – Company Secretary
Mr. Ivor Gibson – NIA Secretariat
Mr. Stephen Todd – NIA Secretariat.
1. Apologies
Apologies were recorded and noted above.
2. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting of 29 th June 2009 were agreed and adopted.
3. Matters arising
Most matters arising formed substantive agenda items.
4. Membership
The Board of Trustees considered an application from Early Years to join the NIABT. Barry Turley provided the Board with a summary of the background of Early Years. Following deliberation, the Board agreed to approve the application.
5. Programmes
A number of recent events were discussed, i.e. the Danny Kennedy MLA fellowship with Stratagem on 27 October and the PJ Bradley MLA and Jim Shannon MLA joint fellowship with Rooney Fish on 28 October. John Rooney and Katherine McDonald gave the Board verbal feedback on these fellowships from a Company perspective.
The NIABT hosted an Educational Day for business sector members and constituency staff on 15 October which received positive feedback from attendees, particularly constituency staff and a similar event is planned for the spring of 2010.
There is a planned visit to Paul McAlister Architects for a “future proof housing” seminar on 6 November followed by a visit to a commercial building in Lisburn.
The meeting was then suspended from 5.15 to 5.40 as there was a need for Members to be in attendance in the Plenary Chamber for a division.
6. Post AGM Panel Debate
There was a discussion around the panel debate on 7 December. Suggestions were put forward to request that certain representatives from the business sector be approached to speak at the event giving an account of their business position and putting forward a question to the panel. Several Board members agreed to take this forward and approach potential speakers.
7. European Programme
A debate took place around the content of the European Programme. Several suggestions were put forward for consideration for inclusion at the event. For example, sessions on European funding, the Lisbon Treaty, European Framework Programme, a Barossa taskforce update by Ronnie Hall and Framework funding. Suggestions are to be forwarded to the Leuvin Institute for consideration.
8. Speaker’s Dinner
The Chairman reported to the Board that Declan Kelly had not yet confirmed his availability to attend the Speaker’s Dinner as keynote speaker.
9. AOB
The IABP conference proposed to be held in Belfast on 11 December 2009 is still to be confirmed.