26 January 2009


Sean Neeson MLA
Dawn Purvis MLA
Robin Newton MLA
James Devlin BT
John Rooney, Rooney Fish
Glyn Roberts, NIIRTA
Jennifer McCann MLA
Alec McRitchie Bombardier Aerospace
Gareth McGrath NIA Secretariat
William Wright, Wrightbus

Declan O’Loan MLA
Katherine McDonald Stratagem
Barry Turley proxy for Lord Ballyedmond
Leslie Cree MLA

In Attendance:
Sheila McClelland Company Secretary
Kate McCullough, NIA Secretariat

The Board welcomed Mr. James Devlin BT as a co-opted member to the Board.

1. Election of a Chairman

The Board elected Sean Neeson MLA to the role of Chairman. This was proposed by Robin Newton MLA.

2. Previous Minutes – 12 November 2008

The previous minutes were agreed and adopted.

3. Speaker’s Dinner 6 February 2009

The Board were informed of the schedule and plans for this event.

4. Annual Subscriptions

It was agreed that during this economic climate membership would be offered at 50% subscriptions.

5. European Visit

It was agreed that the Board would visit Brussels in order to establish links to development an NIABT European education programme for businesses in Northern Ireland.

It was agreed to travel 31 March to the 3 April.

Action: Visit and programme to be developed – Kate

6 . Website

The Board were informed that the website was still under construction .

7. Future Programmes / Fellowships

The Board was informed of the following:

  • James Brown – Dealing with Trauma (March/April)
  • Simon Hamilton MLA – Hilton Hotel
  • An information Day at Parliament Buildings to be arranged for new business members
  • A visit to John Rooney was to be considered
8. AOB

8.1 It was agreed that the Business Plan would be discussed at the next meeting.

8.2 It was agreed that Trade Union would be approached to consider a co-option to the Board.