14 September 2007


Sean Neeson, Chairman
Mr. Alec McRitchie, Bombardier Aerospace
Mr. Joe Reynolds, Deputy Clerk to the Assembly

In Attendance:
Kate McCullough

Peter Gregg

1. Membership
1.1 New Members

It was agreed to accept all members who had applied to join the Trust following a recent mailing. The new members to the Trust are:

  • Strategem
  • Mesh Technologies Ltd.
  • Jenkinson Consulting

While the education programmes are being developed, it was agreed to waiver the membership fee until the beginning of the new financial year or when the newly elected Board has met and agreed a schedule of charges. All cheques received are to be returned.

2. AGM
2,1 Confirm Date of AGM

It was confirmed that the date of the AGM will be 10 October 2007 at 4pm in Parliament Buildings

2.2 Election of new Board of Members

It was agreed that a motion be raised at the AGM to change the Board structure from three to fourteen, six Parliamentarians and 1 Senior Official and six non-parliamentarians and 1 trade union.

Nomination forms should be sent to members on Monday 17 September 2007 to ensure, if required, time for voting papers to be distributed.

2.3 Election of Office Bearers

Office Bearers would be elected at the AGM.

3. Education Programmes
3.1 Draft Future Education Programmes

The Board were informed that a survey of the business sector had been developed to identify key programmes that would form the basis of an education programme. Northern Ireland Assembly researchers would initially identify up to ten 10 priority sectors.

It was agreed that the first programme should be scheduled for Wednesday 24 October 2007 and consideration given to further seminars every 3/4 weeks.

The Board were informed that the Speaker, as President of the NIABT, would be approached to consider hosting a dinner in February 2008.

4. AOB

The Board were informed that headed paper was being printed and an e-mail address had been created.


It was agreed that a briefing report should be sent to IAPB on the development of the NIABT.