13 December 2010



Mr Leslie Cree MLA
Gareth McGrath
Mr Declan O’Loan MLA
Ms Dawn Purvis MLA
Nicola Bothwell NB Chartered Marketing
Colin Caughey Law Society
Mr James Devlin BT
NI James Haughey Norbrook Labroratories
Mr Alec McRitchie Bombardier
John O’Farrell NI-ICTU
Mr Glyn Roberts NIIRTA
Mr John Rooney Rooney Fish
Grainne Walsh Stratagem
Mr. William Wright Wrightbus Ltd

In Attendance;
Ms Sheila McClelland Company Secretary
Mr Ivor Gibson NIA Secretariat
Louise Simpson NIA Secretariat

1. Apologies

Sean Neeson MLA
Robin Newton MLA

2. Adoption of previous minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting of 8 November 2010 were agreed and adopted.

3. Matters arising

Matters arising formed substantive agenda items.

5. Correspondence:

Correspondence has been received from Billy Martin from H & J Martin and Patricia O’Hagan from Core Systems Ltd. Both letters were in relation to the Brussels European Programme in November 2010.

6. Membership:

Three applications for membership of the Trust were considered and approved. The new business members are McGimpsey Communications, Triage Hospitality Ltd and Young Enterprise Ltd. Some concerns were voiced in relation to the balance of membership and this will be addressed in due course.

7. Events

The Chair provided a recap of both recent events and planned events as follows.


9 November: Alastair Hamilton, Invest NI, breakfast briefing.
22 November: Suicide prevention training provided by PIPS Programmes.
29 November: Brussels European Programme (4 days).
8 December: Suicide prevention training provided by PIPS Programmes.


13 December: Christmas reception.
14 December: Ulster Bank breakfast briefing.
18 January: Minister Sammy Wilson breakfast briefing.
4 February: Educational visit to Bombardier.
8 February: Philip McDonagh breakfast briefing.
18 February: President’s Dinner.
20 June: AGM.

Future Board meetings

7 February: 5:00pm in Room 21.
16 May: 5:00pm in Room 21.

8. ABT Business Plan:

The Board discussed a draft NIABT Business Plan covering the period 2011 – 2014. This matter will be brought forward to the next Board meeting.

9. European Programme:

The European Programme took place from 29 November – 2 December. Representatives from Law Society, NB Chartered Marketing, Rooney Fish and Stratagem joined Leslie Cree MLA in providing feedback on the programme. All delegates thought the programme was excellent and recommended it for further trips.

10. AOB:

James Devlin offered the use of BT video conferencing facility in Belfast to the NIABT. There was discussion around considering future themed events on sustainable energy, tourism and the aquaculture sector. The date for the next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday 7 February at 5:00 p.m. in Room 21.