12 March 2012

NIABT Board of Trustees’ Meeting
Minutes of Proceedings
Mon 12 March 2012
Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings

The meeting opened in public session at 5:10pm.

Glyn Roberts               Vice Chair
Leslie Cree MLA        (joined 5:15pm)
Phil Flanagan MLA    (left 5:15pm)
Chris Lyttle MLA       (joined 5:15pm)
James Devlin               BT NI
Alec McRitchie           Bombardier Aerospace
John Rooney               Rooney Fish
Joanne Stuart              Attrus Ltd
Grainne Walsh            Stratagem

In Attendance:
Peter Hall                    Secretary
Louise Close               Deputy Secretary
Ivor Gibson                 Co-Ordinator

Robin Newton MLA  Chair
David McClarty MLA
Lord Ballyedmond
John O’Farrell             NIC-ICTU

1.      Apologies

Apologies are noted above.

2.      Chairperson’s Business

In the Chair’s absence, Glyn Roberts, Vice Chair, chaired the meeting. Phil Flanagan MLA, who has been nominated by Sinn Fein to replace Sue Ramsey MLA on the Board, was welcomed to the meeting. The Chair also welcomed Professor Rosemary Craig, University of Ulster, and a group of MSc Degree Management and Corporate Governance students who were in attendance. Each of the Board members introduced themselves for the benefit of the Public Gallery.

3.      Declaration of Interests

Board members did not declare interests in relation to the agenda.

4.      Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2012

Agreed: The minutes of the meeting were agreed. John Rooney was the proposer and Joanne Stuart the seconder.

5.      Matters arising

The matters arising from the minutes formed substantive agenda items.

6.      Promotional video:

The Chair reported that after a tendering exercise, Pi Communications have been selected to produce a promotional DVD.

7.      Financial/membership update:

The Deputy Secretary delivered a presentation detailing the financial position of the Trust and also the breakdown of membership across sectors, geographical areas and size.

Agreed: The Board Secretariat will:

  • Review the under £2 million turnover band which attracts an annual fee of £50.
  • Review which businesses are being targeted.
  • Consider basing contribution on employee numbers.
  • Review the IPT rates as a comparison.
  • Research options for alternative funding categories.
  • Provide a forward work plan.
  • This issue will form an agenda item at the next Board meeting.

8.      NIABT Logo usage

The Chair reported that an NIABT Member logo has been drawn up which can be issued to business members on request.

Agreed: The NIABT logo will be issued with a “health warning” that it is only permissible for use by existing NIABT business members.

9.      Events:

The Chair highlighted a number of recent and forthcoming events which were noted by the Board. A copy of Press Releases and media coverage were also discussed.

Agreed: Where appropriate, the Board Secretariat will circulate copies of future media coverage.

10.  Event Feedback:                                  

The Board discussed the report on the feedback received at the social media briefing earlier this year.

11.  Events Framework:

The Board discussed a paper on the NIABT events framework. The Board welcomed the transparency provided within the document.

12.  Balmoral Show:

The Board discussed a submission in relation to holding a business breakfast at this year’s Balmoral Show. Due to a number of factors including a low recruitment rate at previous similar events coupled with considerable costs, the Board has decided not to proceed with a Balmoral Show breakfast event at 7:30am on Wednesday 16 May. However, the Board wishes to proceed with an event at the Assembly marquee which will be held at 10:00am on Wednesday 16 May.

Agreed: Board Secretariat to proceed with arrangements for a 10:00am event in the Assembly marquee on 16th May.

13.  Patrons:

The Chair reported that both William Wright and Sean Neeson have agreed to take up the position of Patrons with immediate effect.

14.  Membership Applications:

Agreed: 10 applications for membership were approved by the Board.

15.  Correspondence:

Three items of correspondence were received and noted by the Board.

Agreed: The Board agreed that the Secretary draft another letter to CA-NI clarifying that the Trust believes that the Assembly is taking forward sufficient activities regarding Fair Trade.

Agreed: The Board agreed not to take advertising with Quarry Products.

16.  Any Other Business:

The Secretary provided an update on the situation with securing a meeting with Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn.

Agreed: The Secretary will write formally to Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn with a view to arranging a meeting with the NIABT.

Agreed: The Board agreed that the next meeting should be held on Monday, 21st May 2012, at 5:00pm in Room 21, Parliament Buildings.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:00pm.

Mr Glyn Roberts
Vice Chairperson, Northern Ireland Assembly and Business Trust
21 May 2012