10 March 2009


Sean Neeson MLA
Dawn Purvis MLA
Robin Newton MLA
Declan O’Loan MLA
John Rooney, Rooney Fish
Glyn Roberts, NIIRTA
Leslie Cree MLA
Alec McRitchie, Bombardier Aerospace
Gareth McGrath, NIA Secretariat
William Wright, Wrightbus
Barry Turley, proxy for Lord Ballyedmond
Katherine McDonald, Stratagem

In Attendance :
Sheila McClelland, Company Secretary
Kate McCullough, NIA Secretariat

The Board of Trustees welcomed Mr. John O’Farrell from NI – ICTU as a co-opted member to the Board.

1. Apologies:

James Devlin BT, John O’Farrell NI-ICTU, Lord Ballyedmond, Norbrook.

2. Adoption of Previous Minutes– 26 January 2009

The previous minutes were agreed and adopted.

3. Matters Arising

Most matters arising formed substantive agenda items but the Board members wished to congratulate the Chairman on his success in engaging the Rt. Hon. Lord Mandelson as the guest speaker and Mrs. Arlene Foster Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Industry at the annual dinner.

It was agreed that letters would be sent to both to thank them.

Action: Thank you letters to guest speakers – Sean Neeson
4. Education Visit to Brussels

The Leuven Institute had developed a draft programme based on the identified requirements of the Board of Trustees. The Board agreed to include a presentation on the Barossa Taskforce report for the Commission.

Action: To include Ronnie Hall (EU Commission) to update on the Barossa Taskforce report and to circulate the finalised programme and provide details of travel arrangements – Kate
5. Business Plan

A progress report of the actions detailed in the business plan was circulated to all members. It was agreed that the actions were on target.

6. Website

The Board of Trustees was informed that the website was now live. A number of events, including photographs, had been uploaded for information and comments. It was agreed to consider an application form on the website and a diary of future events.

7. Programmes

The Board of Trustees were informed of the following programmes which were being developed:

Fellowships: Ms Michelle McIlveen MLA Sandycove Holiday Homes / Ramada Hotel

Visits : Rooney Fish was being considered for June

Education: James Brown – dealing with Trauma – June

8. AOB
8.1 Recruitment Campaign

The Board of Trustees was informed that a Membership renewal and recruitment drive will take place from the mid- March – early April 2009

8.2 New Membership

The Board of Trustees agreed to accept two new members:

  • Carecall
  • Northern Ireland Manufacturing
8.3 IABP – Feedback from February Conference

The Board of Trustees was given feedback on the IABP conference held in London. Trustees agreed that the Trust should continue to be a Member of the IABP.