09 July 2008


1. Present:
Mr. Sean Neeson
Mr. Michael Rickard
Ms. Patricia McKeown
Mr. Declan O’Loan
Mr. Robin Newton
Mr. Alec McRitchie
Mr. Nick Garbutt
Ms. Dawn Purvis
Mr. William Wright

In Attendance:
Ms Kate McCullough
Mr Owen McNulty

1. Apologies:
Mr. Leslie Cree
Ms Katherine McDonald
Mr. Trefor Campbell
Mr. Tom Carson
Ms. Jennifer McCann

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The draft minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3. Trust Forward Planning

A discussion paper was circulated regarding the future development of the Trust. A number of comments from Trustees who could not attend was presented at the meeting.

Action : It was agreed to give more thought to the paper for everyone to respond and it would be discussed at the next meeting – Board of Trustees

Action: It was agreed a draft business plan, budget and additional information would be prepared for the next meeting – Kate

4. Communication Strategy

Feedback was given on the meeting between Trustee Communication Strategy Working Group.

Action: It was agreed that meeting to be set up with CBI and Invest NI along with approaching parties to ask for time to make a presentation during Monday meetings. – Kate / Katherine

Action : It was agreed that Trustees would take the information on hosting a website and give comment. – Board of Trustees

5. FoI

The NIABT response to David Gordon from the Belfast Telegraph was circulated and the Board was informed that a meeting with Mr. Gordon was being arranged.

Action: Meeting to be set up between Board Members and Mr. Gordon. – Kate

6. Fellowships

The Trustees were informed of three Fellowships which have been arranged to date. A further seven Members have expressed an interest in joining the Fellowship scheme.


A brief on the IABP meeting which was held in Edinburgh was circulated to the Board. It was agreed that the Board would pay its annual fee but that it would be discussing its membership when next years fee was due.

Action: Cheque for £750 to be raised and send to IABP. – Kate

8. Increasing Membership

The request for membership received from Alliance Boots was agreed by the Board.

9. AOB

It was agreed that there needed to be a discussion on the numbers of public relation organisations .

Members were informed that the AGM would be on the 10 December 2008.

Date of next meeting is the 10 September 2008.