Mr Sean Neeson MLA
Mr Leslie Cree MLA
Mr Declan O’Loan MLA
Ms Dawn Purvis MLA
Mr James Devlin BT NI
Mr Alec McRitchie Bombardier
Mr Glyn Roberts NIIRTA
Mr John Rooney Rooney Fish
Mr. William Wright Wrightbus Ltd
In Attendance;
Ms Sheila McClelland Company Secretary
Mr Ivor Gibson NIA Secretariat
Louise Simpson NIA Secretariat
1. Apologies
Apologies have been received from Lord Ballyedmond, Gareth McGrath and Grainne Walsh.
2. Adoption of previous minutes
The minutes from the previous meeting of 21 September 2010 were agreed and adopted.
3. Matters arising
Matters arising formed substantive agenda items.
4. Presentation of NIABT Accounts 2009/2010:
David Gray from FGS McClure Watters presented the NIABT Accounts for 2009/2010. The accounts were proposed by Glyn Roberts and seconded by James Devlin as being a true and accurate reflection.
5. Current Financial update:
The NIABT coordinator provided a brief financial update which covered the period April 2010 to October 2010.
6. Correspondence:
Correspondence has been received from Lumen Financial Planning and La Mon Hotel inviting NIABT members to attend events at their respective businesses. The Board agreed to post these events on the NIABT website.
7. Membership:
Seven applications for membership of the Trust were considered and approved. The new business members are AM: PM Communications, Business Sense NI, Harland and Wolff Heavy Industries, NB Chartered Marketing, NI Food and Drink Association, NI Tourist Board and 121 Dietitian. Some concerns were voiced with regards to the balance of membership and this will be reviewed in due course.
8. Events
The Chair provided a recap of both recent events and planned events as follows.
27 September: Lisbon Treaty seminar.
6 October: Young Directors’ seminar
12 October: Aideen McGinley, ILEX breakfast briefing on “Attitudes to innovation”.
18 October: Informal dinner with representatives from the construction industry.
9 November: Alastair Hamilton, Invest NI, breakfast briefing.
22 November: Suicide prevention training provided by PIPS Programmes.
29 November: Brussels European Programme (4 days).
6 December: Suicide prevention training provided by PIPS Programmes.
8 December: Suicide prevention training provided by PIPS Programmes.
13 December: Christmas reception.
14 December: Ulster Bank breakfast briefing.
18 January: Minister Sammy Wilson breakfast briefing.
4 February: Educational visit to Bombardier.
8 February: Philip McDonagh breakfast briefing.
18 February: President’s Dinner.
20 June: AGM.
Future Board meetings
13 December: 5:00pm in Room 21.
7 February: 5:00pm in Room 21.
16 May: 5:00pm in Room 21.
Glyn Roberts has volunteered to help with the arrangement of an informal retail sector themed dinner in 2011.
9. Construction industry informal dinner:
A discussion took place with regards to the construction industry dinner held on 18 October. Leslie Cree MLA, who was present at the dinner, provided feedback to the Board.
10. ABT Review:
The Board discussed a paper from Legal Services in relation to proposed amendments to the Articles and Memorandum of Association. The Board agreed to redraft the Articles of Association to include an AGM, to appoint a vice Chair from the business sector and to incorporate periodic election to the Chair and vice Chair posts on a two yearly cycle. An NIABT Business Plan covering the period 2011 – 2014 will be presented at the next Board meeting.
11. European Programme:
The next European Programme will take place from 29 November – 2 December. A delegate list and programme was discussed. Representatives from Bombardier will be in Brussels during this week and would like to be involved in the NIABT programme if possible.
12. Christmas Reception:
A Christmas reception is being planned and may be held on the evening of 13 December, details will follow.
13. President’s Dinner:
The 18 February has been identified as the date for the President’s dinner. The Company Secretary will firm up guest speakers’ availability. Vince Cable and Minister Sammy Wilson have been identified as guest speakers.
14. Proposed visit to IPT, Westminster:
Representatives of the NIABT Board will meet with representatives of the IPT Board early in the New Year to discuss programmes and activities. The IPT are due to appoint a Chief Executive early in January and when this has been done, a meeting will be arranged.
15. AOB:
The date for the next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday 13 December at 5:00 p.m. in Room 21.