Mr. Sean Neeson MLA
Mr. Trefor Campbell, Moy Park Ltd
Mr. Leslie Cree MLA
In Attendance:
Mr. Peter Gregg, Company Secretary
Ms. Kate McCullough, Secretariat Support
As there was no quorum the Northern Ireland Assembly and Business Trust Board of Trustees did not follow the Agenda Items but had a general discussion about the structure of the Northern Ireland Assembly and Business Trust.
From this meeting the following key issues were raised:
- The need for younger middle management to be involved in the training programmes
- The need for a good industrial spread of members
- The need for a good geographical spread of membership
- The need for the Board of Trustees to be outreaching
- The need for relevant education programmes
The following ideas to be considered:
- The working group (Alec, Trefor and Katherine) on business programmes would like a copy of who the secretariat has been targeting. Kate agreed to forward the lists.
- Raising awareness through publicity
- Cross over business contributing to developing good policy by developing education programmes on key issues and concerns of the business sector
- Reviewing the aims and objectives
- Consider approaching the Dail in order to establish a similar scheme.
- It was also agreed a letter would be issued to Lord Ballyedmond inviting him to attend the next Board meeting.